LaVision presents the latest product innovations for the combustion community on the ISOC in Seoul

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2016

36th International Symposium on Combustion in Seoul

LaVision is proud to support the combustion community with advanced imaging solutions since more than 25 years. We are pleased to present our latest product innovations at the 36th International Symposium on Combustion in Seoul. This biennial Symposium provides a scientific venue for sharing ideas and experiences on the applications of combustion.

Tomographic LIF imaging in flames
Our FlameMaster 3D-LIF imaging system supports instantaneous 3D-LIF imaging of OH in flames for turbulent combustion analysis. Multiple intensified cameras with image doublers are used for the tomographic reconstruction of the 3D-LIF signal. We will present a work in progress poster ?Tomographic laser-induced fluorescence of OH in laminar and turbulent jet flames?. In addition, the setup can be used for simultaneous 3D-LIF imaging of OH and fuel. High-speed cameras and lasers enable time-resolved 3D-LIF imaging.

Instantaneous 3D-LIF imaging of OH in turbulent jet flames using tomographic reconstruction

Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS)
BOS is a simple and cost-effective imaging method for flow visualization of gas motion, mixing, and thermal flows with unlimited object sizes. LaVision?s BOS imaging systems measure absolute 3-dimensional gas density and temperature fields in 2-dimensional or axisymmetric flows like in a conical Bunsen flame.

3D-temperature field of a Bunsen flame measured with BOS

Improved laser imaging in dense sprays
Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI) is a novel technique for high-contrast spray imaging even in dense sprays. LaVision?s SprayMaster systems support averaged as well as instantaneous SLIPI spray imaging.

Endoscopic imaging
Endoscopic (laser) imaging is commonly used for applications with limited optical access in gas turbines, IC-engines and industrial furnaces. LaVision provides a variety of endoscopes for visible and UV light applications, such as PIV, LIF and flame emission. Endoscopes are available for cameras and lasers.

Meet us in Seoul
The ISOC will convene at the Coex Convention & Exhibition Center in Seoul, Korea from Sunday, July 31 through Friday, August 5, 2016. Come to meet us at the booth to discuss your specific requirements. We will be pleased to help solving your measurement task with our intelligent imaging systems. More information about the conference can be found here



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