LaVision's digital image correlation workshop in London is postponed – new date to be confirmed

Wednesday, 25. March 2020

Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 outbreak the planned event must be postponed. The new date will be announced as soon as possible. The planned format remains the same as detailed below.

You are invited to participate in our digital image correlation workshop taking place in the Skempton Building at Imperial College London, UK. The three-day seminar includes:

  • Day 1 : free-to-attend one day user group meeting to exchange experience, and where LaVision will demonstrate new hardware, present new software features, and discuss applications and concepts relating to our StrainMaster systems.  
  • Days 2 & 3 : course focusing on the DIC technique and use of LaVision StrainMaster systems.  The course will cover imaging basics and optics, DIC algorithms, sample preparation, hardware configurations and triggering schemes, data quality, and calibration.  Presentations will be interactive, theory will be linked to specific functionality within the systems.  A series of hands-on labs is also part of the course to reinforce the classroom activity, along with interactive software sessions.

The user group meeting and course are excellent opportunities to learn about the DIC technique, and hone your skills with the StrainMaster system. There will be several LaVision specialists present at the course to answer your questions.  

The user group meeting (day 1) is free for all customers to attend and the price for the course (days 2 and 3) is given in the registration form. Please, note that the price includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day and a social dinner event the evening of 1st July, but it does not include accommodation
(recommendations will be made).  You must book to attend each part of the event and places are limited.

Registration forms will be available when the new date is confirmed.



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